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“Ira Conor”

Spring is a little late this year. Fortunately my little guys are willing to wear (most of) their snow gear and that makes getting outside a million times easier. This time, I shoveled snow into a pile in the yard so the boys could climb it and let me say, they were into it. They also loved filling the dump trucks with snow and then dumping them. It's the little things in life.

Ok, so Ira's first hair cut wasn't working for me. It looked a little too French schoolgirl to me, so I gave him a bowl cut and I love it! He has the perfect hair for it - thick and silky. I feel so sad that he doesn't have his baby curls anymore, but I love being able to see his cute little face. And, surprise, some of his hair has started to curl up at the ends so maybe he's going to keep his curls (oh please, oh please, oh please!). In these pictures, he's wearing his favorite outfit. He does a little jig when this onsie is clean and available to wear!

What have I done? But also, he's soooo cute! I cut Ira's hair - his very first haircut. His hair was so long and Conor and I wanted to see his face. That first cut in the back though, I regretted my decision and felt like crying! But I stuck with it and I think he looks pretty cute! It is so wonderful to see his face and surprise, some of his curls stayed! He kind of looks like a friendly friar, but in a cute way. Oh dear, I love this little guy so much! And I'm just so relieved there's still a little bit of curl in his hair!

Ira's first snow of the season! Here he is in his rain suit that's one size smaller than his snow suit underneath! What a cutie!

Ira is so cute playing peak-a-boo, especially because he doesn't cover his eyes - he doesn't want to miss anything! I love his little lit up face.

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